Tag: blockchain

What you Missed At the Blockchain, IoT & Machine Learning Conference...

The oil and gas industry might seem to be inflexible, resistant to change and conservative. Rapid technological development used for shale gas extraction (fracking)...

5 Trends Disrupting Traditional Industries in 2018

The tech sector has gained so much attention during the last few years. Our global economy and society is becoming dependent on technology. Technology...

Telegram’s ICO (TON): 12 Pros and 11 Cons for Investors

1) The biggest ICO of all time might launch for small investors in March 2018. Telegram's ICO seeks to raise a billion dollars. Silicon...

Kodak created the cryptocurrency KODAKCoin for photographers

Kodak wants to give photographers a new revenue stream and a secure platform for protecting their work by creating the KODAKOne platform and KODAKCoin...

New initiative to launch global crypto documentary

Last month we reported on the 'must-see' films that cover Bitcoin and the crypto currency industry. Torsten Hoffmann's film "Bitcoin: The End Of Money...
bitcoin forks

Bitcoin Forks – The ultimate list of upcoming BTC forks

There used to be only one Bitcoin, but that’s not true anymore. The number one cryptocurrency since 2011 has been challenged several times during...

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